08 May 24 - 15:41
ForeveReal: SoNiA have a tremendous week dear friend Smilegrin Smilegrin !!

SoNiA: Time for me to go. Have a nice day. I'll be back on monday Wink

ForeveReal: Going out for groceries will be listening on Foot!! Smilegrin Groove

ForeveReal: Up next!!! Groove

ForeveReal: Me too! Jean Jaques Smoothie is incredible Smilegrin Smile

SoNiA: Yes I love this song Wink

ForeveReal: SoNiA, amazing choice, The Two People is such a Mystical Song Smilegrin Smilegrin

ForeveReal: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

SoNiA: GrooveGrooveYesYesGrooveGroove

SoNiA: Smilegrin

ForeveReal: Ready for the request up next SoNiA !!! Groove Groove

ForeveReal: Smilegrin Smilegrin

SoNiA: Smile

ForeveReal: 31 Listeners all around the World Groove Smilegrin

ForeveReal: Yes Groove Yes Groove !